Hormones 3 The Final Season Episode 6 "Cortisol" Live Recap

Hormones 3 The Final Season Episode 6 "Cortisol" Live Recap by @bencanuck

Boss is talking to Ter on the phone while biking to school. He is talking student council business.


Jane talks with the teacher and her dad.

To summarize what I think happened (including a couple of skips with my internet): They've done a drug test. Jane passed the test but will be suspended temporarily (two weeks). Jane must leave the band, but her dad seems to have organized everything so that she doesn't have to leave school. (I think even Jane isn't sure how that worked out?) On some level, Jane wants to leave the school, though. No one gives in. Mom only knows about her daughter being suspended, but she doesn't know about the drug test. That part will be a secret. That's Dad's idea about how to handle the situation -- consistent with the kind of behaviour we saw from his last week.

Pang comes up and Dad leaves. Pang is concerned about Jane. She doesn't want her to leave. Jane promises she won't go back to using drugs at all. Pang tells Jane she can help her with anything. KNP: "Jane! See you in two weeks!" Jane nods. They wave bye.


Ter advises Boss to take it easy with the focus group and wait. Everyone is involved with the Sports Day. Boss says it's been almost the whole semester already. He'll do it himself if necessary, he's not involved in Sports Day (he got permission not to be).


Boss asks Oil about the focus group. Does she want to join? It will take about an hour.

Oil says her team (Blue) is having a practice, she can't make it. Then they introduce each other. But Oil remembered Boss' name. Boss smiles a bit (I think).

The next group Boss approaches has people who are "not available."

But just then Non comes along and tries to drum up interest in the focus group. He announces a time and hands out stuff. He says they can talk to either him or Boss. Everyone goes to Non, though. Just one person talks to Boss.


Jelly and Dew come to Boss' room. Dew tells Boss to stand up. "What's your name?" asks Dew. Jelly tells her he's Boss from the student council! Dew says she didn't recognize him. Dew asks him to take off his glasses. Then she asks him to hold something like a plaque. She tells him to hold his arms wider. She's clearly mocking him. People snicker at times.

"That was funny, wasn't it," Dew says as they leave.

The focus group is about to start. No one is there.  It's 3:43. 17 minutes to go. Boss has to organize all the chairs and stuff by himself.


Phao and Mali are doing something with homemade shakers. In fact, Phao is teaching her a cheer.

Phao does a shaker solo sorta like a drum solo.

"Why do you like to play music?" asks Mali. Phao says he wants to do the kind of thing he's seen others do. Mali asks then why did he stop. Phao says he wasn't that good. Mali: "But wasn't it fun?" It was, admits Phao. So Mali says he should play if it was fun!" There is a short pause.

Mali: "Wanna play? Let's go!"

She grabs his hand (I think). They go off.


They arrive at a guitar shop. I guess it might even be the same one as before.

Mali holds one guitar.

Phao : "Er, no thanks."

Mali persists. Phao plays a little bit on the guitar. Mali watches.


Back at home, Phao opens his closest and takes out his guitar and once again plays. Mali victorious! Phao has picked up his hobby again.


4:11 in the classroom with Boss. The focus group should have started already. Boss tries calling people who signed up for the focus group. He can't reach anyone. Then he reaches someone, but the guy can't hear over the sound of cheerleading in the background. He hangs up on Boss.

Boss' room is full of empty chairs and snacks. Boss thinks for a moment.

He cleans up. He's given up (for today).

It seems Non got people "interested," but got no commitment.

Just then Non arrives. He asks where everyone is. Boss says they're not there. Non says that maybe they are all practising cheerleading. Boss says to forget about it, never mind. He leaves.


Boss sees someone (younger) who can't really do cheerleading and is upset. He asks how she is. Boss: "Those people only take people who are famous." He tries to comfort her and encourage her. They leave.

We're seeing Boss being sympathetic, compassionate, in tune with people's suffering.


Ter and Boss go to see a cheerleading practice. Oil is there (they acknowledge each other). Jelly is there, too, leading.

It seems chaotic to me. I don't like these kinds of things in general, but it strikes me as especially chaotic. :\

One of the younger students faints. Boss notices first. Boss tries to get him something to drink, get info on him. He takes care of him.

Jelly: "If you can't do it, don't push yourself" (I think) "Thanks, Boss," she says when Boss says not to rush back to practice.

They take a break for 10 minutes.

Jelly talks with Pang and Boss. Jelly: "Well... Can we extend the budget for Sports Day stuff? It's been like this for years, we need to ask people to spend some more on their own and stuff."

KNP says, "It can't be done. If we did it for your team (colour Blue), we'd have to do it for every team/colour." She is sympathetic but firm in the student council's position.

Boss nods at KNP in appreciation and thanks.


Talking with KNP and Boss failed, so Jelly goes to talk to Non instead. She states her intent (the same as before: extra budget and funds). Cut to adverts.


Pala is waiting for Zomzom at the underground near a market (maybe Chatuchak Market). Zomzom arrives.

Zomzom: "Whatcha lookin' at?"

Pala smiles. Zomzom is reusing the first thing she said to him.

ZZ: "Looking' at a pretty girl?"

Pala and Zomzon tour the market and then go to one of the parks nearby.

Pala is afraid of dogs. He's never been allowed to play with animals, so he's not sure about them.

Pala bought stuff for his grandma.

ZZ: "Everything you say is about your grandma. Just grandma. It's like everything in your life is about Grandma."

Pala explains that his parents died when he was really little. It's just the two of them now. That's OK, though. It's all more OK than not OK. Zomzom was sorry for making him talk about this, but Pala says it's normal to talk about it.

ZZ: "If your family were unusual in some way, what would you do?"

Pala: "Well, if there were nothing wrong with me and what I did, that would be fine... If other people think something, that's their business. Let them... But really, not everyone is normal anyway. Look at you, you're with your mom and dad. But I'm with my Grandma!" He smiles.

ZZ says not to laugh. She explains her dad is gay. She says he is forbidden to tell anyone! If he tells anyone, she'll kill him! She plays it seriously, but she is also being tender and funny, I think, with the same words.


Koi and Dao are talking about university. Koi says she'll miss Dao. Koi says maybe they could be in the same dorm. Koi says she'll do the entrance exam for the same places as Dao. They make a pinky promise about it. (Now they do pinky promises, too.)

Koi: "P'[Koi] promises she'll sleep with Dao every night!" The look on Dao's face when Koi says this is weird and unreadable for me. Is she amused that Koi is the P'? put off at that? Is she thinking about the future? Is she... something else? I really don't know.

Koi's dad comes and then leaves.

Dao: "If you dad knows about us, what will he think?"

Koi: "Nothing. It's fine. Don't worry about it."

Dao: "Really?"

Koi indicates yes, but her eyes are a bit reflective, potentially concerned.


Dad is in his room. Koi knocks at the door. She comes in.

Dad combs Koi's hair. Dad says to let Dad know what's bothering her.

"How'd you know?" asks Koi.

Dad asks what's going on. Tell me, it's fine.

Koi: "Well... I don't know if you've been disappointed with anything about me... But this matter might make you disappointed."

Dad jokes around. Just tell him, he says. It's OK.

Koi: "I'm sorry in advance, Dad."

Dad: "You pregnant?"

Koi: "That's crazy! No... I'm the same person as before, the same kid of my dad's... I like girls." Koi is crying.

"Like girls?" Dad laughs. "That's it? And you're crying? Don't cry. This is life as a teenager, liking whoever, loving whoever. Why are you crying? Here, look at this." He shows her a photo compilation of Koi and him on the tablet.


Non opens the student council meeting. Non says someone asked him about the Sports Day budget for teams. KNP says they said no. Non says maybe some people really have a problem. KNP is not imrpessed. Boss says it's not an informal thing, a budget.

It's 50,000 baht per team! = 200,000 for all four teams!

Boss says how can it help things to increase the budget. Where will they get the money?

Ter says there's no money to find in the first-term budget... unless...


Ter: "Never mind."

Krieng says to spit it out. He wants to know.

Ter says maybe they could take from the academic/technical budget (Boss' budget).

Boss is not impressed.

Ter says that the homework reduction thing isn't using much money, and other things can be in the future.

KNP says no.

Ter tries again.

Non intervenes to ask Boss if it could be done. Then people would be happy, then they might find sponsors, then everyone could help each other! People agree. He's being his happy self and just getting people to say "yes" again, regardless of the meaning, the commitment.

Boss says he's already given his opinion. He says he's going to say it straight: he won't give from his budget to this activity.


Boss meets some younger students still working hard late at night. He asks why they haven't left. It's late. They says they have lots of stuff to do, like these pompoms for Sports Day. He says he'll help them, then. He sits down.

An older student comes to check their progress on the pompoms. She says can they fix their pompoms and make them better? She tries to encourage them to do their work again, to make it better.

Boss is shocked to see that the students have to spend some of their own money on these things. The younger students say the older students always do this to them. Boss asks if he should talk to the older students for them. He's not impressed with this kind of abuse.

Boss sees Oil walking by.


It's raining now. Oil is holding an umbrella. Boss is walking his bike. They walk along together at the school.

Oil says it's normal, this thing with the money; it's like this every year for the cheerleaders.

Boss is serious about all this. Oil smiles, though. Oil says she smiles but agrees. Boss says, see, Oil agrees. But Oil adds that it's not easy to say your opinion, then there are arguments and problems. Boss says that if everyone keeps their opinions to themselves, then nothing will change.

They resume their slow walk.

Oil: "I'm sorry. Can I ask? ... Why aren't you the student council president? I can remember you on the poster."

Boss: "People wouldn't remember me... Not related to the real issue for me. But for some people it is."

Oil: "You OK with it now?"

Boss: "Sure, I am. But this is how things are; we'll try to do our best."

Boss asks for Oil's Facebook. They add each other as friends.

They resume their conversation. Oil talks about Boss biking every day.

Then we see that First is waiting for Oil. "Oil!" he calls from afar.

Before Oil leaves, Boss asks her something: "Oil, I want to ask you... What would you think about the student council giving more budget to the Sports Day teams?"

Oil: "That would be a good thing, I think."

She leaves with First under an umbrella.

Boss is left with his bike. Is Oil changing Boss' mind?


Boss at home (for the first time). He is sitting in a room with Mom and Dad, who are both at desks, working. Boss is alone on the couch. You can taste the family dynamic immediately. The picture tells a lot about why Boss has grown up to be the person he is.

Mom asks how the student council work is. Boss asks about his problem with the different budget, whether to give it away or not. Dad said it wouldn't look good and be good to do that. Mom says to check what the goals are and then check if the use would be good.

Boss says thanks to his parents.

Boss then calls Non. He says to Non that it's OK to give some budget to the teams, if it helps the younger students and alleviates their concerns. But that doesn't mean that Boss' business should fall off the map! Boss is emphatic about that. Non says thank you.


Sports Day is in swing now. There is sound everywhere. Some people are practising cheers loudly.

Non approaches Pang. Ter is nearby but not involved.

Non to KNP: "Pang... Well... I'm sorry."

KNP: "What about?"

Non: "You don't look happy. Are you mad at me about something?" Pang says she's not. Non: "Oh, if you're not mad, why are you doing that face?"

Pang explains that she is mad at Jelly, doing what she did, asking Non after Pang and Boss. But Pang says to forget about it. She's not mad. "Now you're smiling a lot... What's up with you?" says KNP. She walks away with a "What's up with him?" look on her face.

In the aftermath of this scene, Non is so happy he hugs Ter.

Ter's face after the hug -- Oh, this could end badly. Non is possibly creating his own love triangle from scratch.


Boss watches a cheerleading practice for the blue team (Jelly). His face isn't particularly impressed. Jelly is yelling strongly. They are in the strong sun.

Another student faints. Boss is on top of it right away again. They take the student away, out of the sun.

Jelly announces the need for money. Boss hears. He's wondering why.

Oil is the one to collect money.

Boss interrupts and asks Oil why they are collecting more money. That's why they gave Sports Day teams more money from another budget! So that the students didn't have to spend their own funds on all this Sports Day stuff! Boss is shocked. Oil says that, well, they didn't get the money for the things she's involved with, anyway; she hasn't seen it.

Boss mad. Boss very mad. Boss' face furious. Boss going to explode! Cut to adverts.


immediately following on what we just saw, Boss runs up to Jelly. He asks her where the money went. He yells at Jelly and Dew. "Do you not have a brain to think with?" asks Boss in response to their "explanation" about the spending of the money and the collecting of more money.

Boss starts yelling at the students about his own ideas. He explains that this isn't fair. They were given more money, and the use of it isn't above board, and the younger students have to spend more money still.

Oil calls Pang to come. There's a situation...

BOSS V. DEW. The ultimate showdown. It's just words so far, but it's tense. They face each other off. Boss turns to gather support from the students.

Boss can't get anyone to agree with him. He's telling them if they agree to them, to stand up and leave. Show their opinion. Show that this is unfair. Finally some people get up, showing agreement with Boss and disagreement with Jelly and Dew.

The argument continues until people need to restrain Boss and Dew from going at each other physically. The student council members take Boss away.


Boss with the student council members in the student council room.

Non: "Boss, what was that about? You're going to make people have problems with each other, not get along, form sides, and split apart?"

Boss: "Why didn't anyone help me? We've discussed this problem."

Ter tries to tell him about what they should do.

Non says what Boss is doing is making things worse.

Boss says he wanted to give the money because he saw people's problems. He was concerned about the younger students and how they were being used. He didn't give them money to spent indiscriminately, without proper budget and without concern for the real reason Boss gave the money.

Boss takes it all out on Non and the rest of them. Boss says he's also mad since the homework reduction projection has been shoved aside, too.

Ter intervenes to say that Non is trying to make everything work.

Boss says Non is only getting people to cheer and scream and get excited. That's it. He hasn't seen anything tangible from Non.

Non won't take that. He gives Boss something to read in response to that: feedback forms (maybe about the homework reduction project, I'm not sure). Boss is initially taken back, I think, but he glances through the copies of forms. Then he finds something. There's one form with a lipstick kiss on it. "This is work, eh?" says Boss in disgust. He throws the forms on the floor.

Some of the student council members jeer at Boss. Boss leaves, no less furious than before. Pang tries calling after him, but he decides to leave. He pauses outside the student council room, but he has definitely left (for today).


Next Episode

It seems that it's Sports Day at last. Zomzom seems to cheer Pala. Non approaches Boss, hoping to fix problems. I think Boss calmly says that it now understands, thanks to something Non said, that his thinking was a bit off (not so sure). Maybe it is Non's episode?


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