{Thai Drama] Hormones 3 Episode 3 [Adrenaline] Recap [English]

(Note: I forgot to learn the names of Zomzom's friends, so this could get confusing if they aren't addressed clearly enough in the episode. Sorry.)

Zomzom is at home waiting (for her mom to arrive). She arrives at the door. They embrace. "Mom!" "Did you miss me?" "Yes, and you?" "So I did!"

"Uncle John" is already at their house, too, for drinks.

They exchange pleasantries.

Mom asked about school. ZZ tells the story about the motorcycle on the first day. ZZ says she uses the motorcycle because she likes speed.

Zomzom suggests going to a movie: Mom, Dad, her. Mom says OK. She texts Dad about it. Dad seems OK. They're laughing, smiling.


The three of them go out for food at Central World. The conversation is a bit nonsense, with Zomzom suggesting that riding a motorcycle is exercise, etc.

Uncle John comes. The conversation is still light.

Zomzom asks Mom to stay overnight, but she's not free to. Mom will be going to DC (I think).

Zomzom watches John and Dad exchange some food at the table. She starts to wonder.


In the car going back home, Dad says Uncle John will move to Thailand at the end of the month. He and his daughter will move in with Dad and ZZ. Dad says it'll be good to share the rent, given the spare room. His daughter is near ZZ's age. Zomzom asks why Dad didn't tell her yet, it's just in a few weeks! ZZ says this is such short notice, even though they all know each other.


Net and Koi are doing homework and flirting/teasing. Koi notices the Dao-Koi (star--pinky finger/making up finger) thing in her book (from S02E13). Then she looks at Net. Net: "How do you do this one [this question]?" Koi then goes for a little kiss. Net is startled. He pats her hair. She appears awkward.


Dao is drawing two girls (holding hands or not? -- depends on which version). She is writing something "Untitled" which becomes "About Koi."


John arrives at ZZ's house. They start speaking English. "Welcome!" (In Thai)

Mali comes in. Dad: "You're Mali, right? So cute!"

John tells Mali to speak clearly to Zomzom and try to speak Thai.

Mali: "Hello, older sister."

ZZ just can't hold in her concern and question. She says directly and aggressively, "Dad, what's the story with you and Uncle John?"

Mali doesn't understand enough Thai. She asks, "Did I say something wrong?"

Uncle John starts to answer. Dad says, "Is it appropriate?" John then says straight out that Uncle John and Dad love each other.

ZZ is furious. She retorts, "You said you loved Mom!" She walks out.


Dinner at Zomzom's. John explains to ZZ that Mali's Thai is not so great. She learned some at her home school in America, but she can't keep up. John asks ZZ's help. ZZ is asked if she has anything to add, she's been quiet for days.

ZZ: "Can this be the end?"

"Zomzom, that's not lovely, not OK!"

Zomzom says to Mali: "At school, you are forbidden to make it look like we know each other. Do not let anyone know we live together. {English} You don't know me at school. I'm not your sister!"


School. ZZ with her friends. Mali walks by in the distance. No communication between them.


Mali comes to the room for the first time. "Hi everybody, my name is Mali. I'm from America. I can speak and read Thai a little."

The teacher gets everyone to introduce themselves, give their nickname, something about themselves.

Phao: "Hi, I'm Phao. I'm handsome, awesome, and lonesome." And very smooth and not so bad at English. ;)

Robot: "I am Robot, I have, uh..." Blinking his eyes. "Sweet eyes, you buffalo [you idiot]!" says Phao. Mali repeats after Phao. Everyone is amused. Phao gets punished. Mali observes this strange new punishment (knocking knuckles on the desk).


5/1. There's a new music teacher. "Luk Dan" is her name. Sun, A, and Ryo are good at recognizing parts of music. The teacher explains BPM (beats per minute).

The whole time, Jane appears disinterested.

"How many bpm?"

Jane gets it right: 120. She explains how she calculated/estimated her answer. They congratulate her. The teacher: "Pretty good, Jane. Nobody else could get it."

The teacher plays a song and wants the students to see how they feel (closing their eyes).


Non and team are working on the recycling election promise.

Boss comes. He carries a paper stamped "Not approved." It pertains to the homework reduction idea. In their meeting, the teachers did not approve it.

Non and he discuss it. Boss suggests that they do more surveys, focus groups, etc. to better explain their opinion and the background of their request.


At night at their home, Zomzom runs into Mali in the kitchen.

Zomzom asks whether Mali knew her dad was gay. "Gay? Yes, I knew," answers Mali in Thai. ZZ: "Aren't you mad about it?" "No, he takes care of me." ZZ asks if Mali is gay, then; as parent, so it should be the child. Mali says she's not gay. ZZ responds, "Heh, sorry. I guess my dad is [gay], too, but I'm not."

Zomzom comes out with her offensive comment that we knew was coming: "I don't like your face."

Mali: "Why? What's wrong with my face?"

Zomzom is fed up. The conersation is over. She says, "Don't wanna look at it. I wanna eat." She walks out.


First runs into Oil in the outdoor corridor at school. KNP and Oil are going bowling this Saturday. Oil invites First to join. First asks Oil to make an excuse, as the time really approaches, and not come (e.g., "I'm got an upset tummy"). Oil agrees reluctantly. First leaves.


The English teacher has Mali talk in English. "Listen to this. It'll be a good accent to learn."

Mali talks in English. She ends by talking about her dad. "And he was destined to meet the man of his dreams. So now I have two dads, and I think they're happy together." The other kids are a bit confused but still understand.

The girls want to see a photo of her dad. So handsome! They want to know how, if her dad is gay, she was born, etc. They seem to be a gossip group. :P

Phao rescues her from the gossipers. He leads her away. Phao: "This is not a human. This is a robot. I mean his name is Robot." He teaches her vocabulary, including guitar (which is the same).


Siam Paragon, bowling. First is waiting. KNP comes in. They meet. "Oil isn't here yet, right?" asks KNP. Then she gets a text from Oil saying she is sick (stomach virus). KNP calls Oil to check. Oil doesn't answer. "What should we do?" asks KNP. First says they should just play, but KNP hesitates. First: "Whoever wins eats free. Whoever loses pays." This is enough for KNP. It involves free food.

They play.

KNP wins.

They are thinking about how the spoils will be spent.

First grabs her hand and starts walking. KNP is not impressed.

She stares him down.

"I'm sorry," he says. "Pang... Well... I like you."

"First, didn't you hit on Oil? And... I don't like you. Don't do this again." She leaves him standing there, alone.

Definitely a great put-down for someone being such a jerk. Go, KNP! :D

First calls Oil. "Hello, First?" "Oil..." "How was it?" "I'm brokenhearted." "Aww, KNP made it clear and that was it?" "Totally clear. She said that I had hit on you... She was not impressed." Oil talks to him. "Oil, you're right." Oil: "Don't let it get you down, First!" They hang up.

Then we find out that Oil was just around the corner. She peeks out to check First's devastated face. First doesn't notice.

Wow, so creepy, the two of them! :mellow:


The Angels Gang knows about Mali and her two dads by now. They notice her at their table. They approach the table, sit down, and talk to her.

"Let's talk Thai. Watch my mouth: 'My dad is gay [tut, not the Thai word that is pronounced 'gay'].'"

Mali repeats. "What does gay mean?"

They all tease her with these words: "My dad is gay."

It gets to Zomzom's turn. She repeats the words contemplatively, not harshly. Her friends are not impressed with the lack of burn.

They chase Mali out of her seat. Mali says, "Alright," and leaves.


Zomzom in the cafeteria. She notices Mali in the distance, alone. She forces her friends to sit down elsewhere.

Phao and Robot sit with Mali.

"Hey, Mali, are you fluent in Thai yet?" asks Phao in Thai. In Thai, Mali says she's OK.

Phao bonds with Mali over P'Phu's confusion about his sexuality (or at least, he tries to bond and would probably succeed if Mali completely understood him). "But he's my brother anyway," Phao says in the end.


KNP and Oil. Oil asks about how that day with First was. She hasn't said anything. KNP is slow to reveal the details.Eventually, she tells Oil that he took advantage and grabbed her hand.

"Really?" says Oil.

"Do you like First or not?"

"That's crazy. He's into you."

"You knew?"

"I did."

"But do you like him?"

"That's crazy. No, I don't. Really."

"I don't like First, Oil. If you don't like him, then that's good. He can stay away."

"First doesn't like me. Don't worry about it."

Jane comes. KNP signals to Jane.

The music teacher passes by and tries to get Jane to participate more in music activities. Jane isn't interested in all this extra stuff. She agrees reluctantly to try but would prefer other people to be into it.


First, Pala, Non are eating and drinking in Non's room. I think they asked Pala to drink or have more. Pala has to leave before Grandma gets to school.


At Zomzom's. "Hi, Dad! Hi, Uncle John!" Zomzom sees Mali's glass. It bothers her. She asks if it's just the two of them. They explain where Mali is. She says she didn't ask where anybody is.

Uncle John and Dad talk about whether they should try to talk with her. They put it off for another day.

Zomzom watches a display of affection between Dad and John. She is pissed off, shaken, so many things at once.


In the science lab: Pala, First, Non, Ter. Zomzom and her friends are in the background.

Non teases Ter. He grabs him from behind and pretends to be sexual. First: "Hey, Non's on top!" Ter is a bit bothered himself, I think.

Zomzom is overhearing and seeing all this joking around, and she is bothered. She yells them down. Pala, meanwhile, is taken in by Zomzom. He stares at her. She yells at him: "What're you looking at?"

After class, Pala slowly approaches Zomzom. ZZ apologizes. He's just staring at her quietly. He grunts OK, though. He can't say anything clearly to her. "OK," she says to close the "conversation." He watches her leave; he's smiling as his eyes follow her.


At the Angels Gang table. They call after Mali as she passes. One of them goes to grab her. Zomzom is uncomfortable.

"I have to get your advice. My friend is pregnant. But the father is gay. What should we do? Oh, what should we do?"

"Hey, you don't have a mother?"

MalI: "No."

"But she must be real, because she bump-bumped with your father, and you were born."

Mali retorts at length in English. Part of her retort is: "What I care about is my dad's in love with her dad [indicating Zomzom]. They love each other." It's in English, but they understand. They get it.

Zomzom cannot control herself and leaves. Her friends call after her. They apologize to Mali.


Zomzom's house. Dad and ZZ are alone. "Are you tired, honey?" asks Dad. "Can we talk?"

Zomzom doesn't exactly agree but gets roped into it. They sit on the couch.

"Zom, love isn't right or wrong. it can happen with anyone, any sex. I want you to understand me, Zom."

"Does Mom know that you're gay?"

"She knows."

Zomzom is not making eye contact. She says, "This is why she left you, right?"


"Why did you do this to Mom? Why did you marry her? Did you ever love her?"

"I did! I do. But not in that way."

"So you deceived Mom! If you wanna be gay, then I give you permission, that's fine. Here." She takes off her skirt and throws it to him.

He cannot reply. He cannot say anything.

Zomzom is left standing there by herself. Her dad leaves the room.

Continued (end)

Zomzom is crying in her room. She picks up her phone to call Mom. She also sees how bad her state is.

Mom asks what's wrong. "Dad talked to you, right?"

"Dad lied to Mom. How could he do that? I never knew all this."

"Zom, I know it's tough... I cried, too. But crying can't change him and how things are. I started to adapt to it. I started to see your dad as a friend. He was good to me... I'm just telling you what I did. What you decide to do is your own choice; it's your own life, Zom."

"Why can't you take me to be with you, Mom?"

"It'll be good for you there, Zom. You know Dad loves you a lot! Don't think about it too much. Good night! Bye bye, sweetie!"

Zomzom cries more.


Photo of Dad and Zomzom in a frame. (Very touching, I thought.)


Zomzom wakes up. She sees she was mentioned in the Angels Group on WeChat. They ask her not to disappear. They tell her stuff about their dads, too. One dad plays too much golf. One dad snaps a lot. Another does nothing but work all the time. Zomzom smiles at how concerned they are. She says she'll come back.

She goes out of her room, into the kitchen. Dad is up, reading the paper. They look at each other and say nothing. Zomzom takes a seat across from him.

Zomzom asks where "the others" are. They're not there now.

"Dad, I'm sorry."

He says nothing. He just leaves... But he comes back with breakfast for her. He still says nothing. Zomzom cries as she eats.

Next time

Phao wants to join SeeScape. There'll be two guitars. P'Mind even comes to see them play. Robot: "Old girl, new girl, both here for this."

 Credit to @bencanuck for the english recap

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