Thai Series Hormones 3 Episode 5 "Dopamine" Recap

Hormones 3 Episode 5 "Dopamine" Recap

Credit to @bencanuck soompi

Also note that I think Jane's position is called "major drummer," but I know nothing of a Marching Band. I could be wrong. I didn't research this.


"Jane, wake up!" Over and over again: "Wake up!" It's really bright outside.

Jane gets up. She stares at her mom: "I'm up."

Her mom was using a hammer apparently. Wow, she's serious.


Jane joins Pang and Oil at school. She looks tired because she didn't get a good rest last night.

Jane is invited to go with Oil, KNP, and SeeScape to a pub. It's her first time to a pub in Thailand.

First comes by. He doesn't hear Oil, given his headphones. Oil tries again. KNP sees Oil's reactions. KNP: "That day that I said First isn't that trustworthy, maybe it's not as bad as that. If you like First..."

"I don't like him. Really."


They are pay respect to the Buddha's image. First leaves early to "take a dump." Everyone else leaves and finds their shoes all messed up outside the classroom. They know it was First.

Pala helps Zomzom find her missing shoe. "Pala, what's your size? I'll help you find your shoes."

ZZ's friends make fun of her: "You find mine, I'll find yours."

Zomzom is going to hit her friends with a shoe she picks up. They run off. "Find it yet?" asks Zomzom. Pala says: "Yep." It's the one in ZZ's hand.


Marching Band.

"Forward march!"

SeeScape passes by and one of them says, "Hey, check out Jane!"

Jane asks for a restart. Everyone moans and groans. She's obviously serious about her rhythm. She watches their feet. "It's wrong like before."

A senior student tells her off for interrupting. The conversation basically comes down to Jane's comment: "Oh, so if my senior students are wrong, I'm supposed to shup up about it, huh?"

Teacher LukTan comes along. She says, "Jane, everyone in the band was together before. If you're gonna be a good major drummer, you need to get along with everyone. OK, we're all in this together. We've been doing this a while. If you need to adjust your skills, then do it. It's not just Jane who needs to adjust. Come on. OK, let's take a break for ten minutes."

Nutt, who used to date Koi, approaches Jane. Nutt says, "Well, you're better than me. I play football. I watch you practise every day... I want to know what you like to eat? Do you like this?"

"Why?" She's not impressed. "You know my name... Can school players eat snacks like that? Hm." (I forget the order she said all this in and the exact order of her conversation with Nutt.)

Nutt confesses that he likes her, thinks she's cute, would like to get to know her.

Jane: "Thanks, but I don't like sweet things. Better to keep it for yourself, P'. Thank you."

She walks off.

The Student Council is organizing Sports Day. Pang is largely in charge.

Boss says to Non, "Do you think this is enough? The President has to take care of all this. And next week, we've got the focus groups we're talking about; I booked a room already." Non tries to console him and tell him it'll be alright.

Boss seems focused on only what interests him.


At home on the couch, Phao is on Facebook. He sees a photo of Sua playing guitar. He closes Facebook.

Mom comes along. "Phao, you've been playing games since the morning. What about homework? Guitar? Are you bored of it already? I told you about this... Oh, I told you this would happen. When your game's done, clean up the house."


Mali and Zomzom. Mali calls Sun. "Sun where are you?" Sun is going to a party. Mali questions how underage people can go. Mali won't go. Dad probably won't allow it. "Good night, P'Sun!" "Bye bye!"

Dad asks Sun: "Do you have everything you need?" Sun looks questioningly. Dad repeats: "Do you have everything you need?" Sun taps his back pocket.

(Well, no wonder Sun is the way he is.)


Alone in her room, Jane is thinking of the past. She gets her stuff ready to go. She chooses to go out the window instead of out her door.


At the pub: Jane, Sun, Pang, Oil, Ryo, A. Non arrives. (A's dance moves are amusing.)

Nutt is there. He looks at Jane. She looks icily away.

Pang looks unimpressed when an old SeeScape song comes on.

Sun explains to Jane: "Pangs old boyfriend wrote this song for her."

Then Ryo, A, and Sun sing the song at her. Pang yells back at them. Pang downs the whole glass. She wants another one. Non is at first amused but then concerned. "Are you OK, Pang?" he asks. Then she spews on him and in a bucket.

Jane meets one of the guys from Win's episode last year. She's super-excited. She can't contain her excitement. "Who did you come with?" They ask each other. Jane came with friends. He came with...

Cut to a shot of Win. He waves to the camera/to Jane.

Everyone came to this pub apparently.

Jane says she'll come back to Sun et al. Jane goes to see Win and the other guy. But then he goes to see his girlfriend. Win and Jane are alone.

"How's it been?"

Jane can't hear him.

"How's it been?"

"Let's go to 7-Eleven," she says.


They are sitting outside 7-Eleven.

Win asks how long she's been back. Three or four months. Mom made her come back. Win asks if she was caught. Jane says, "How'd you know?"

"That's too bad. We won't get to hang out there again."

They talk about the past. Jane remembers that she couldn't understand things when she first moved to the US.

Win says that you can adjust, right? What about changing from red to pink hair? Win suggests she let her hair down.

"You serious about this one?"

Win says yes. She does it.

"It's like a different person from the one I knew in New York." "Explain." "Different colour, different personality, quieter, calmer."

She puts her hair back up.

"Why did you rush off that time?" Jane asks Win. After a short pause, she adds: "OK, I won't ask."

Win says, "Well, it's that... I came back to find someone. When I was there, it was good. Until I started to... use it [the drugs]. I found the bad stuff, and then I'd see her image everywhere. There had to be a meaning to me being there. I knew I had to come back. I needed to apologize to her. I had an opportunity. Someone cared about me. Sorry that I didn't say anything about it..."

Jane: "Well, you're back. I'm happy about that anyway."

Win: "So, since that day, how's it been?"

Jane: "I had to come back, so I did."

Win's phone rings just as he asks Jane for more info. He walks away. It seems to  but Win will go pick the caller up. "I gotta go. It was good to see you," says Win.

Jane: "Next time we meet, I'll tell you everything. The person who called, was that the person from that time?"

Win indicates yes.

"Good travels home."

"Didn't drink anything!" says Win, protesting his innocence.

The camera shows us that the gum Jane bought she already had in her purse. She just wanted to spend time alone with Win, obviously.


Jane comes back to the pub. She downs her beer. Jane says she'll go back to her friends. She's given some drugs.

She lives an interesting experience.

Nutt sees her holding her hand up as if something is there or happening. he snaps a photo. Nutt walks off.

Sun comes by. He says to Jane, "Whatcha oiing? Drunk? You OK?"

Jane's hand is twitching. Sun asks why. "Are you drunk?" he reiterates.

Jane doesn't answer. She grabs his neck instead. She leans on him. They hug.

Then she suddenly breaks away. Her eyes are empty, though.

"Time to go home?" asks Sun. Jane says no. She wants to go elsewhere.


Sun and Jane in the car. Aside from the music, it's really quiet.

"So now we're pretty sure something was up," says Sun.

"Ever feel like you're an alien?" asks Jane. "Aliens talk to people and it doesn't work. But with two aliens, they can converse. But sometimes they are forced to split apart. Then one day they come back and find one another. But while one of them hasn't changed at all, one of them has changed into a human."

"Are you that drunk? You gonna make it?"

"I guess so," says Jane.


"Jane, get up!" says Mom over and over. Mom and Dad are trying to break down her door.

Jane comes in the door to the house. She rushes to her room. Mom and Dad see her. They turn to her.

Mom asks whether she could know if Jane was there or if she'd died already, with the door locked like that. And jumping down from the second floor, is she not scared of dying? Mom doesn't want Jane to die. Even the way things are now, it's too much for her. She collapses.

Jane looks genuinely concerned.




The Student Council is preparing stuff for Sports Day. They're making signs and so on.

KNP brings paint for them. KNP and Non have pet names apparently. KNP can't remember spewing on Non. Sun confirms it's true; it's happened. KNP: "This is real?" Non: "Sure is." KNP: "I'm sorry!" Non says no problem, just make things better next time. They flirt.

KNP leaves.

Sun asks Non what the story is. Non says KNP is just fun to tease and so on. Sun then explains the best way to actually get close to KNP.

Sun tells First that Oil likes him. "Aren't you hanging out?" First: "Well, sort of, I guess." First has new thoughts now. He smiles.


First texts Oil, who is in the library.

"Oil, where're you at?"

Oil tells him where she is. "What's up?" she asks online.

Then First appears behind her and surprises her.

"What's up?" says Oil in person.


"Then why are you here?"

"Just wanna see you."

Oil smiles.

"Hungry?" asks First. "Let's go get something to eat."

"Sure," says Oil. They gather her stuff.


The band's major drummer can't find a place to sit with her bandmates.

"Is something up?" asks Jane. They are snickering. "Nothing," says the guy. Jane grabs the phone.

She sees a conversation started by Nutt: "Think she's out of her mind on drugs?" It's a photo of Jane holding her hand up and staring at nothing. People in the online conversation discuss whether it's drugs or alcohol. Some say one, some say the other. Some say she's just smiling. Nutt keeps intervening in the conversation to provoke speculation, too.

The whole school sees it.

LukTan sees it and rushes to a meeting. One teacher says this can't be allowed to pass, taking drugs. One teacher says there's no evidence. One teacher suggests that this might reflect on the school's image. The discipline teacher says he's not interested in the school's image but other values.

Jane is watching all the online conversation.

Teacher Ying aggressively suggests: "Why not check her urine? Then we'd know exactly what we're talking about."

LukTan: "Isn't that going too far?"

Ying: "And caring about the kids more than we should, that's not too far out there, is it?"

Stare-off: Ying v. LukTan. Cut to adverts.

Teacher LukTan and Jane.

LukTan: "Did you really do this? How can anyone help you if we don't know the truth?"

Jane: "Yes [I did it]."

LT: "You know this isn't just an issue at school, this isn't just about expulsion. It's a legal issue."

Upon questioning from LT, Jane explains that she's not addicted. She can limit and control herself. LT eventually says: "No one knows whether you really did it or not?" "No one really knows." She responds at length: "Then let's put it this way. The school is looking how to find an answer. They might test your urine. But I don't know what'll happen. But promise me you won't do this again. I'll speak for you at the next meeting. I want to give you another chance. You're strong enough to change yourself. Can you do it? Do you promise? Jane..."

"I promise, Teacher."

LT tells Jane not to talk about this with anyone. Then there's no evidence. She has to honour her promise.


Jane comes home from school to find her room has been entered into by Mom.

"What kind of Mom does this?"

"What kind of kid does this?"

"My mom is like a crazy person."

"Yes, I am, because I have a kid like you."

Jane says she's going out. Mom says she's not letting Jane go out. Jane won't talk. She gets changed out of her school clothes.

Jane: "I'm going out. I'm not coming back. No need to wait up for me."

"Jane!" yells Mom. She grabs her and tries to stop her.

Jane leaves.

Mom screams that if she goes, she doesn't have to come back at all!

This gets no response from Jane. She just leaves as planned.


Jane is at the pub alone, drinking.

Her face looks lost, emotionless, despairing. She makes a call and asks to be picked up by (I think) Sun.

Sun is driving. Jane is in the back seat. She tells a story about her big brother buying this strange colourful globe (which she's holding). And she liked it. It's like something alien, bright, different. Weird, huh? Then Jane had to go abroad. Her mom made her go, so she went. In the beginning, she was going to be there only a year. But that turned into four years. It became more home than Bangkok. It was good there. Then after the stuff started to happen, Mom became too concerned. Jane had to come back. It would just be better to stay in the US, though. Then she wouldn't have to start over.

"Sun, if I told you I didn't do it, would you believe me?" asks Jane after a brief pause.

"Whatever you told me, I'd believe," says Sun.

"That's great," says Jane as a way of thanking him. "But I did do it."

"Does anyone know?"

"Just two of you: you and Teacher LukTan."

"What does she think?"

"She'll help me. She'll help me get out of it. I'm such an ___ making a teacher lie for me."

Jane says she'll have to leave the school. Sun asks why if no one knows. Jane has resigned herself to the worst.

Sun says: "OK, I know where to go."

Sun takes her to school... and then runs off.

"What's up with you?" asks Jane.

He comes back with a broom and asks her to show him Marching Band stuff. He gives her the broom. He makes an announcement about her being the major drummer. He claps happily. Jane pretends with the broom. (Wow, she can throw a broom up in the air and catch it after all those drinks. ;)) Sun and Jane play around.

Jane smiles and has fun. They walk across the football pitch.

They fall down on the grass and look up at the stars and moon.

Sun: "When I invited you here, I didn't think through all this... When you're the major drummer, you're pretty awesome. It's too bad [about leaving, I assume]."

Jane doesn't reply. She just starts to cry.

Sun turns to her. He grabs her hand.

Sun says, with a small smile, "What alien from what planet has a face like that? Just like any other human." He keeps holding her hand. They look up at the moon.


Jane comes home.

Mom is on the touch. Dad talks to Mom: "Better? Are you getting better?"

Mom was crying until she collapsed again. Dad asks Jane if there are any problems at school. She can tell him. He mentioned (I think) about drugs. "OK," he says. "It's late. Time for bed."

He carries Mom to their room. Jane watches.


Alone, Jane apologizes to Teacher LukTan. That's all we know. Then we see the following scene:

Jane walks away. She walks past the Marching Band and football players practising. Her bandmates ask where she's been, why she missed practice.

Jane to Marching Band members: "I quit this school. I'm leaving."

The football players are nearby. Nutt overhears. He yells at Jane: "So you quit school? That means you admit it, right? You can just admit it right?" Jane hears him, turns around, and walks straight up to him. He continues, "Why you looking at my face?"

KNP runs up. She shouts at Nutt: "You know why my friend is leaving, right, P'? It's all because of you, right?"

They get into a massive argument.

Jane breaks up the argument by smashing Nutt with her (old) stick. She proudly walks away.


Next Episode

It's about the focus group (or maybe about Boss). Boss is working on the focus group, but he doesn't seem to think Non is serious enough about it. Then we see that someone still can't recognize Boss. Boss takes off his glasses either to see if it helps or to sarcastically prove a point.

Edit: I mistyped "Nutt" as "Butt." Appropriate enough.

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