Thai Series - Hormones 3 The Final Season Episode 4 Recap

Hormones 3 The Final Season Episode 4 Recap

(Note: They were just fixing the internet at my place this afternoon. Hopefully nothing goes wrong.)

At home, Phao is practising guitar. In come Dad and P'Phu: "Happy birthday, Phao!" They give him some stuff for his birthday. It's related to his electric guitar. Phao says thanks.

(Phao seems to live in P'Phu's room now, by the way, or else his room and Phu's are almost identical. It's certainly not the room he took the girl to last season.)


Mali is in a rush in the morning (outside the condo). Zomzom is waiting at her motorcycle. "How come you're so late? We'll be late," she says. She has a second helmet for Mali to wear. She tells her to put on the helmet and go.

They end up a bit late. They get in a queue at the school gate. "See, we're late now," says Zomzom. Mali apologizes. Sun notices them.

He asks someone what room he's in and leaves him guitar with that guy (Seua). Then he and Zomzom bolt. [skip thanks to internet problems]

In a hallway, he talks to Mali with Zomzom there. Sun says bye.  Zomzom says, "I'll be going, too."

Sun comes back. "Mali, my name is Sun. Can you teach my some English?" "Yeah, sure, why not?" "Can I use your phone for a sec?" She gives him her phone. He inputs something (I guess his number). They smile. "OK, I'll be going now." "Bye bye!" They wave. Sun appears smitten.  Mali is having fun.

SunnySunzz messages "Nice to meet you" in both Thai and English.


Seua is in Phao's room (4/7) with the guitar. Phao asks him why he has this guitar. Seua explains, but of course doesn't have much info about why Sun gave him the guitar. Then Sun comes to get the guitar from Seua. Phao introduces himself: "My name is Phao. I love your band! You guys are so awesome! I would love to play with you... I play electric guitar. I play every day. Can I have your signature?"

Sun says they're not that great. They play for fun.

Phao asks if he can come and join SeeScape in the music room.

Phao is clearly behaving like a half-crazy man. Sun even asks him, "What is with you?"

Mali, Phao, and Robot are in Chinese class. Sun passes by and waves sweetly to Mali.

The teacher asks Mali to say something different from what he has been saying. Mali can't do it, despite prompting from Phao and Robot. The teacher tells Mali, "You need to study harder."

Class ends. "See you later," says the teacher in Chinese.

Phao: "You can't keep up?"

"Not really," she says in reply. But I can't understand Mali's answer in Thai.

Phao suggests that Mali switch desks with him, so that she can sit beside Robot, who is good at subjects like Chinese and Thai. He's rather obviously helping Robot's interest in Mali, I think.

Phao will stick with his guitar at his new desk. Him and his guitar now!


Jane is talking to Teacher LukTan.  She's happy that there are people like Jane who are different and direct. She has a tattoo that she's had since a Grade 10. Apparently teachers can't have tattoos, it being a bad example. But LukTan managed anyway.

Teacher LukTan really would like Jane to join the Marching Band. "Have you decided yet?"

"What time do we meet, Teacher?" asks Jane.

LukTan is excited and delighted.


Sun, A, Ryo walking down a corridor. Phao is waiting for them outside the band's room. Phao already knows their names. Sun introduces Phao to them.

Phao asks to know what songs they'll be practising. That would be great, Phao says. Sun says fine.

Phao then jokes about whether he can hit on P'Sun, the best around. He's just joking around. I think he's just half-crazy. He seems to be hardly able to control himself within normal conversation, he's so excited about meeting SeeScape and practising together.

Phao: "If you're ever interested in a second guitarist, come to me. I'm serious. I may not play well yet, but I'm determined. OK, let's get practising." They enter the room.

Phao is practising in the classroom. He takes off his headphones to notice Robot and Mali. Robot is singing, Mali is enjoying and learning. The song is both about learning Thai (some tongue-twister-type stuff) and learning the language of the heart. Phao joins them.

Mali says that they're good at this. They should do covers on YouTube. Phao says let him get better before something like this.


Phao at the water fountain. Sun finds him there.

Phao: "I practise every day, P'!"

Sun asks him to join them.

Phao: "You're inviting me to play with you?"

Sun: "Really, as if you're really in the band. The next event we're playing is with a band from Fabaworn School."

"FBW? The Painful?"

Yeah, says Sun.

"Oh, I will try my best," says Phao. Phao leaves.

Robot: "His ex's new boyfriend is in that band, P'." He explains to Sun that Phao's reaction might be a bit deadened by this. This might be somewhat complicated.

But Phao shouts for joy in the background.


When cleaning up in Dao's room, Dao's Mom finds the "Pinky Promise" manuscript about Noon and Proud.

She finds clearly in the manuscript that Proud likes girls.

She then pauses for a second to think, then looks further through it.


Phao practising at home. We get a montage of this.

Phao plays early in the morning, late at night, whenever, always...

One night, he is getting ready to turn in, and he looks at the guitar one more time before going to bed.


(I just want to comment on the fact that the advertisements after this were starring Pepo and Sky, then Kao. If you don't watch live, you might be unaware of just how targeted the adverts are.

Dao looks at a photo that Net has sent to Koi on Facebook. She puts down her phone and picks up her manuscript.

She highlights something or writes as if to correct something. Mom knocks at the door. "It's not locked!"

Mom brought strawberry cake for Dao. (This is Dao's favourite, we know from the character video.) Mom is feeling better. Mom stays to talk.

"Dao, the last week I saw that everything was a bit of a mess in here. I came in to clean up. I saw your story. I'm sorry that I read it. But you write really well. It was fun to read. But it's not yet done, right?"

"That's right," says Dao.

"What's your inspiration?" asks Mom.

Dao is silent.

Mom is waiting.

"Many different inspirations," says Dao.

"Did you think of what else you'll do with it?"

"I want it to end hopefully and happily," says Dao.

My internet skipped to Dao's Mom saying next time to tell her and that would be better. Dao is happy and smiling. She picks up her phone. I missed the exact moment, but obviously Mom was quietly supportive and deliberately not hostile.


Net is running at the stadium at school. Koi is watching and waiting.

Dao arrives and sees them. Dao runs up to Koi.

Koi: "Dao, is something wrong?"

"Can we talk for a moment?" she asks.

Net's face is all "Um, this is weird." He says instead, "OK, I'll go get showered."

Dao and Koi remain.

I missed a few lines. Koi then says, "What are you talking about?"

Dao: "I wrote a story about two girls who were close. It happened that they came to be more than friends. I hid it and let no one read it. I knew that if my mom knew, she would not be happy. But just now, my mom came to my room and said she'd read it all."

Koi: "What did she say?"

Dao: "She didn't get on my case about it at all. She said it was good. She asked how I wanted it to finish. I said hopefully. This is the first time that I've felt there's hope for us, Koi."

Koi takes this in. She smiles painfully. She says, "Why are you telling me this now? What do you want me to do?"

"Can we get back together?" asks Dao. "I love you, love you like before. I'm ready now, Koi!"

Cut to Net in the lockerroom. Koi comes in, approaches him.

Net: "Oh, there you are... What should we eat? Pig's feet? pig's neck? the whole body?"

Koi is unresponsive.

Koi: "Net..."

Net: "You're going back to Dao, aren't you?"

Net nods, taking it in. Koi doesn't have to explain anything.

"It's that... well, I don't want you to leave," says Net. "All the time we were together, it was OK, wasn't it, Koi?"

Koi opens her mouth. She pauses. "Yes, it was good," she says. "You were good to me, very good. I was always happy and comfortable with you. What you said about a guy coming into my life, that maybe I'd like -- well, but in the end, you can't change how I am."

Net is sad and pensive.

Koi: "If in this life, I don't ever like another guy, I'm glad that the guy for me was Net. I'm sorry, Net."

Net: "Right... Hey, I understand."

Koi: "I'm sorry."

Net is in the room alone at the end.


Koi is waiting outside the school. Dao comes along. She approaches Koi.

Dao cries out to her: "Koi!"

Koi: "You said you're ready now, right?"

Dao: "Yeah."

Koi extends her hand to Dao. "If we'll be a couple, we can hold hands, right?" asks Koi.

Dao hesitates for a second. Then she smiles and grabs Koi's hand. They walk off together, hand in hand (like "Pinky Promise").


Phao is practising again at home. It's late.

He closes the window with the recording studio in it and sees the wallpaper with P'Mind, his ex. He smiles confidently.

Phao with the rest of SeeScape. "Let's get practising!" says Sun.

Phao asks permission to video it. They say sure.

[Then Soompi crashed my computer again. The new Soompi is really bad at this for me. I'm glad it happened now and not 5-10 minutes ago, during the KoiDao part with more dialogue.]

When I managed to restart everything and got back to the show, I saw Phao watching another guy practise with SeeScape. Phao watched on, nursing his wounded hands.

I guess they have chosen him instead, or they are considering him instead, of Phao.


Phao comes home and practises like the other guy, observing the video carefully and learning, adjusting his skills.

He's hurt himself again.

Mom is about to come in, but she chooses not to disturb him.


Phao has played all night. He's bandaged now and sweaty. His wounds are still real, but he's put up the fight.


At school, Zomzom rushes into the classroom late. Because she's late, her group of friends has already been split up for group/partner work. Logically, Zomzom will be forced to partner with Pala.

Zomzom: "Does Pala study well? ... Well, I'll take care of this little guy... Can I have his number? ... Hey, if I don't have his number, how can we work together?"


Mali and Robot are looking at a poster for the Alien Rock event, which has SeeScape as one of the bands. Robot takes a photo and zooms in on the name "SeeScape."

They find Phao at the stage.

"P'Mind is coming for sure," says Robot to Phao.

Robot has altered the SeeScape logo to "SeeScape & Phao." He teases and encourages Phao with it.

Their old friends from FBW come. They ask what's up with Phao, he's acting strangely. Is it about P'Mind? asks one one them. Robot replies that Phao hasn't seen her yet. Then she comes, with the new guitarist boyfriend: "Phao!" she says from a distance, waving to him.

P'Mind approaches Phao and his friends. He greets her new boyfriend.

Zomzom and her friends come. They offer to take care of and hang out with Mali. Mali hesitates, given the obvious history. She gives in. They leave.

P'Mind has seen Phao is playing guitar nowadays, thanks to Facebook. He says it's not that much and plays down his efforts. He excuses himself and leaves.


Non announces FBW's band The Painful. He appears to have taken over Pop's duties, or else this is something that's part of the student council president's job this year. :P

The Painful play. Non is standing beside Kanompang. Everyone is in to the music. Phao appears unimpressed. He discourages Robot's interest at times.

Non asks KNP why she doesn't sing. Non then clues in. Non suggests she date First. She says she's not interested. Then what about a FBW guy? No, she says. Non points out guys in the crowd and jokes that maybe he's the one. She says no. He plays around with the name. Then he plays around that it's like a really stereotyped effeminate guy's moves. They, uh, "imitate" these moves. Sun watches on, smiling.


Sun and SeeScape and the other new guitarist come on stage. Sun: "Welcome our new guitarist! ... If anyone is not having a good day today, let's put that aside and have fun."

They play. Phao mirrors the new guy's moves.

In the end, Phao just leaves. Robot stares dumbfounded.


At home, Phao puts his guitar away in the closet. He puts other stuff in front of it. He's disappointed and sad.


Next time

"Forward march!" It's Jane's episode, it seems. Kanompang invites Jane to a pub with SeeScape. I think Jane says, about taking drugs: "If I told you I'd never done that, it would be hard to believe, right?" Nutt (I think Nutt who used to date Koi) posts a picture of Jane at or outside the pub; then says on (maybe) WeChat: "D'you think she's [nong, younger] out of her mind on drugs?" (The fact that Nutt knows she's younger suggests he recognizes her.) Jane stares at a phone. Maybe she saw this post.

Edit: Re-watched the "Next Time" preview for details.

Translation credit to @bencanuck soompi

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